Freemantles Primary



Freemantles is committed to delivering Careers using the Gatsby Benchmarks as guidance. We have a trained Careers Lead, are members of the EnterpriseM3 LEP and use the Compass+ programme to track of individual progress.

We will meet the careers needs of the students in the following ways:

  • Students will have opportunities to learn the skills needed in the work place and the wider community.
  • There will be opportunities to learn about money and finance.
  • Enterprise opportunities will be given.
  • Functional skills will be taught that will include form filling and interview skills as appropriate.
  • There will be opportunities to visit different places where people work and meet a variety of people working in a range of jobs.
  • Visitors will be invited to come and talk about their jobs in assemblies and workshops.
  • As they get older students will learn vocational skills and have opportunities for work experience.
  • Parents and students have yearly opportunities to learn about Life after Freemantles with visiting speakers from colleges and other agencies.
  • Students will be encouraged and taught how to contribute to meetings relating to their future.
  • Links are made with mainstream colleges to aid transition.
  • Every student has tutorial time when individual skills and needs can be identified and developed.


These skills have been broken down into pathways. This table shows what different cohorts will encounter and when we will deliver careers learning:

For more detail please see the Freemantles Careers Policy.



Vocational Pathway

Careers sessions

Lifeskills Pathway


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

Termly Careers linked Assembly

Weekly Lifeskills sessions


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

Termly Careers linked Assembly

Weekly Lifeskills sessions


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

Termly Careers linked Assembly

Nov – Life After Freemantles

Weekly Lifeskills sessions


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions


Termly Careers linked Assembly

Nov – Life After Freemantles

Feb - Apprenticeship show

Career Guidance

Weekly Lifeskills sessions

Community visits


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

Guildford Bike Project

Termly Careers linked Assembly

Nov – Life After Freemantles

Weekly Lifeskills sessions

Community visits

In School WE


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

Sainsbury’s WE

Normandy Therapy Garden WE

Nov – Life After Freemantles

Weekly Vocational Day

Weekly Lifeskills sessions

Community visits


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

University Surrey WE

Brooklands Link Course


Nov – Life After Freemantles

Feb - Apprenticeship show

Weekly Vocational Day

Career Guidance

Weekly Lifeskills sessions

Community visits

In School WE


Weekly Skillsbuilder sessions

University Surrey WE

Chosen Transition Link course

Nov – Life After Freemantles

Weekly Vocational Day

Weekly Lifeskills sessions

Community visits

In School WE



Provider Access:

Providers wishing to request access should contact: Phil Leach (Careers Lead) or Kate Ball (Head of School – Secondary & FE) Telephone – 01483 545680 email at  or 

We welcome providers to contact the school to meet with us to see how they might be able to support our pupils’ transition from Freemantles School into the world of work or further education. Please speak to our Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.


Careers Lead:

AHT for Secondary and FE – Phil Leach:


Life After Freemantles:

Please click here to read updates from some of our past students.  


School phone number: 01483 545680